Monday, January 22, 2007

My Life As We Know It

Yes, I am still alive. I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, I've just found better things to do with my time. So for my avid(ok, so they may be few, but at least they're avid!!) readers, I shall post an update.

**I got a digital camera for Christmas. Some people might tell you that was a big mistake. "You mean you actually let Aubrie get a camera?!" Yes, I did. It's beautiful. And it's mine. I have a picture fetish. It was bad enough with my parents camera. Now I have my own. I can whip it out and take pictures any time I want. This also means that when I'm bored, I take it out and snap picture after picture of myself displaying a vast array of looks(and this one's 'magnum'... and this is 'blue steel'...). It's great fun. Lizzie says I have *too* much fun. :oP

**I dyed my hair pink last month. We had a white elephant party and someone brought magenta hair color. Feeling spontaneous, a few girls and I decided to put pink streaks in our hair. So we did. It took a while for me to get used to it, but it really grew on me. I got tons of complements. Everyone either liked it or was lying because only 2 people told me they didn't care for it. Even my residents liked it. Sadly, after a month, it started growing out and I decided to get rid of it. I waited until I got my new drivers license picture taken before I took it out. So when I'm 25, I'll look at it and say one of two things: either "Ahh. Those were the good old days..." or, "What the heck was I thinking!?!?!?!?"
I used a hair color removal kit to take it out. Let's just was an interesting experience. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

**I'm now in One to One Discipleship. The woman I'm taking it with is great. Tonight was our first meeting and I had such a great time. I'm excited to see what I'll learn through it.

**My mom got me a snake for Christmas. Only it's not real. It's a remote controlled one. It's still pretty cool, though. One day I'll get a real Ball Python. I've decided a greek name would be cool. Something like Desma or Thaddeus or Pantheras.

**I'm waiting to hear if I get into nursing school in the Fall or not. Pray that I do. I'm at the point where I'm not thinking or worrying about it, I know that God knows, so I don't have to worry. And I'm ready and willing to go to Kansas if I get in there. I don't know what I would do if I get into both- I'd have to pray about that. Right now, I don't really care where I go, I just want to get it over with and move on with my life.

**Frugal Muse is my new favorite store. I've heard about it(it's a used bookstore) for such a long time and I've never went. I finally went last month. Let me tell you, it's pretty amazing. I went yesterday to see if they have any new DVD's that I like, and I came out with this brand new, still in the box ESV embossed leather Bible, the same exact one I was planning to get in a few weeks at Borders. Only this one was $14. Aaron can tell you how elated I was. Frugal Muse is great.

**I've been working like crazy lately. To the point of getting overtime almost every week. One of my coworkers has been sick(or at least that's what she's telling us...again.) for almost 3 weeks now. And before that, my other coworker was on vacation for 2 weeks. So that means I've been living at work. It's not a terrible thing, I'm just not really used to working really long hours. Like working a 15 hour day, going home at 9, going to bed and starting over again the next morning at 6:30. It kind of wears you out. I'll be happy when she comes back.

I'll update more later...

I love my sister!

This is my snake. He's pretty cool. If you ever want to play with him, just come right on over.

This look is called "Blue Steel".

I call this one "Magnum".

My signature look, "Ferrari".

Like I said. Aubrie + digital camera= a dangerous combination. :o)

Did You Know That Pink Hair Is Cool?

Well, it is.

Oliver was the lucky winner of the magenta hair dye, but he's no fun. We couldn't talk him into letting us color his hair. So we had fun without him. :oP

Pink hair is way cool.

Happy Birthday, Heather!

Heather had a costume party for her 24th birthday. It was lots of fun. It's a good excuse to wear your costumes. :o)

Look! Lizzie is now complete with her new dress!

Happy Birthday, Heather!! *sniff* My best friend is getting old... :oP

Look at all the presents!

Maid Meredith.

Ryan was attempting to dress up as Dan, but it didn't quite turn out. He went as a geek instead.

"Heh. Cool costume party. Heh."

How did we know that Elaine would come looking as if she just flew in from Africa?

It looks like the Geek is trying to educate the military men.

What is going on...?

"Where has all the rum gone?"

You should know better than to make friends with a pirate.

An Arabian knight and his lady.

Fixing the hijabs.

Hoops skirts are very fashionable.

Olivia likes to hide in them.

Super soccer woman.

Maid Meredith has such a servant's heart.

You can tell when it's getting late. Everything is suddenly funny.

Definitely time for bed.

A photo documentary of my hair color removal experience.

I liked my pink hair. It was pretty sweet.

I was very sad to have to say goodbye.

I even cried.

Goodbye, pink hair.

What's with all these warnings? What do you mean it could make all your hair fall out or make your feet turn hairy like a Hobbit's or your lips turn orange?! What kind of stuff is this!

Here it goes.

Several minutes later:

Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh No!! What happened?!

Look what it did!!! It did *not* take out the pink, it only make the pink lighter and brighter and bleached the roots blonde.

This was not what I had in mind.
Backup plan: Color over it.

Attempt #2.

Much better.

Now it even looks a little red.

So that is the end of my experience.

Lessons learned:
1.Pink hair is cool. 2. It was worth the trouble.