A photo documentary of my hair color removal experience.

I liked my pink hair. It was pretty sweet.

I was very sad to have to say goodbye.

I even cried.

Goodbye, pink hair.

What's with all these warnings? What do you mean it could make all your hair fall out or make your feet turn hairy like a Hobbit's or your lips turn orange?! What kind of stuff is this!

Here it goes.
Several minutes later:

Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Oh No!! What happened?!

Look what it did!!! It did *not* take out the pink, it only make the pink lighter and brighter and bleached the roots blonde.

This was not what I had in mind.
Backup plan: Color over it.

Attempt #2.

Much better.

Now it even looks a little red.
So that is the end of my experience.
Lessons learned:
1.Pink hair is cool. 2. It was worth the trouble.
Wow! Not quite what you were expecting! It turned out great in the end though.
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