Sunday, October 23, 2005
TGI, Saturday(more pictures)

Dan's trying his hand at stone masonry.

They let me take a few pictures of Aaron and Heather trying on chainmail, as long as I didn't get any of the exhibit. Doesn't Aaron look like he should have been in LOTR?

I think it's Heatherbird under there.

Heather loves her Evenstar.

So serious(but not really).

Dan looks a little excited about the menu...

"On the phooone, Bernice!"
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The Great Outdoors
We(everyone sans Aaron. He's practicing with his cool drama people) went hiking at a forest preserve after church today. Mom wanted to know why she's not on my blog. It's because she doesn't like to get her picture taken. Dad had to have a photo shoot so here we are.

Aw, what cute kids.

Just a couple of crazy college people.

Ooh, la la. No, Nate. Kisses really aren't that bad. Don't worry. You'll change your mind later. ;o)

Aw, what cute kids.

Just a couple of crazy college people.

Ooh, la la. No, Nate. Kisses really aren't that bad. Don't worry. You'll change your mind later. ;o)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Oldie But Goodie

There's Meredith! Do you remember when this was taken 2 summers ago? We were loading Pastor Brad's office with banana colored balloons. I've never seen so many balloons in my life. We managed to fill up his entire office at least waist deep. We even took his extra suit and made Mr. Banana man out of it. The gift wrapped door was a nice touch as well. Then it was off to Krispy Kreme and then to the Schreiners to do some lawn decorating. Our goal? The lamest TP job ever. That and more bananas. What else would a group of cool Sr. Highers(and their youth leaders) do on a Friday night? Ah, what warm fuzzy memories. :o)
The Other Aubs

I've known her since I was 12. I figured since she drove all the way down here to fix my car radio that was never broken last Sunday(can you say 'duh'), I should let her make her debut on my blog. That and the fact that I've known her for almost 8 years and this is the first picture that I have of both her and I together... Yes, I know. Very lame.