Oldie But Goodie

There's Meredith! Do you remember when this was taken 2 summers ago? We were loading Pastor Brad's office with banana colored balloons. I've never seen so many balloons in my life. We managed to fill up his entire office at least waist deep. We even took his extra suit and made Mr. Banana man out of it. The gift wrapped door was a nice touch as well. Then it was off to Krispy Kreme and then to the Schreiners to do some lawn decorating. Our goal? The lamest TP job ever. That and more bananas. What else would a group of cool Sr. Highers(and their youth leaders) do on a Friday night? Ah, what warm fuzzy memories. :o)
P.S. Would you get a load of Marty's hair? Marty, never forget I knew you before you turned way cool. :oP
Ah, warm fuzzy memories indeed - I believe I took this picture!
It was fun. I'm hoping things will settle down soon and there can be more times like that with more folks for a movie and popcorn, etc. Ryan's been asking for a Bible study since before we moved in - he said it was the perfect room for it.
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