Look What They Give Us In Nursing School.

Anyone want a shot?
Ok, so we haven't practiced those yet, but we're getting there.
This week we're working on basic patient care return demonstrations. I feel like I'm in CNA class all over again. There's nothing better than laying in bed while a group of people are standing around you, practicing range of motion, turning you, positioning you, "diapering" you, putting you on a bedpan, helping you from the bed to the wheelchair, etc. We have to practice on each other and check each other off. I've gotten to know several of my fellow student nurses very well through this. :o) It's been such a fun week.
I can't wait to do wound care on real people. Dummies' wounds aren't very exciting. I can't wait to do my very first wound debridement. Clinicals start in 2 weeks!
I love nursing school.
I love nursing school.
I have a job now. I start on Friday. Since my CNA license is for the state of Illinois, I can't work as one here in Kansas. I have to take the exam here first, which I've applied to take. The thing is, I probably won't get it until November because of the long pending process.
By that time, I will have almost completed first semester and can start applying for a Nurse Tech position in a hospital. I don't know if it's really worth applying as a CNA, but I'm doing it anyway. In the meantime I'll be working 1 or 2 days a week(depending on my school load) as a Ward Aid in a nursing/rehab center. I'll pretty much just be doing odd jobs, like filing, stocking nursing supplies, etc. But it's something and much better than working around food in a restaurant or something. Blegh.
By that time, I will have almost completed first semester and can start applying for a Nurse Tech position in a hospital. I don't know if it's really worth applying as a CNA, but I'm doing it anyway. In the meantime I'll be working 1 or 2 days a week(depending on my school load) as a Ward Aid in a nursing/rehab center. I'll pretty much just be doing odd jobs, like filing, stocking nursing supplies, etc. But it's something and much better than working around food in a restaurant or something. Blegh.
Week 3: complete.