Dorky Brothers...
Two of my brothers think they're so cool. On the contrary; they are dorks. Who might these two dorky brothers of mine be? If you guessed Aaron and Nathan, you just happen to be right. How in the world did you guess?!
It was pretty humorous, really. Just don't tell them I said that. This is actually the second time they've done this to me.
I had just come home from work today and I was getting something off my dresser. I was talking on the phone and glanced at one of my pictures. It was then I realized something was very wrong. That face was *not* Dan's...

This is the first one I saw. It's simply hideous. I'm sure you can imagine how traumatizing this was.

Someone looks excited to see me. My personal favorite.

I'm such a cradle robber. Especially of such a young enforcer of the law like this one.

I have such a sweet, angelic face. You might even confuse me with Queen Amidala.
It was pretty humorous, really. Just don't tell them I said that. This is actually the second time they've done this to me.
I had just come home from work today and I was getting something off my dresser. I was talking on the phone and glanced at one of my pictures. It was then I realized something was very wrong. That face was *not* Dan's...

This is the first one I saw. It's simply hideous. I'm sure you can imagine how traumatizing this was.

Someone looks excited to see me. My personal favorite.

I'm such a cradle robber. Especially of such a young enforcer of the law like this one.

I have such a sweet, angelic face. You might even confuse me with Queen Amidala.
I'm scared!
Someone please save me from my scary brother!
Who is this incredibly handsome and amazingly talented "Aaron" you keep speaking of? Anyone creative enough to think of something like that has got to be a genius!! A Dork??!! I think not!!! It sounds to me like someone(ladyfaircoughcough!!) is jealous of their incredibly handsome brother's natural wit. Lady Fair, I think you need to spend some time in prayer about this litle jealousy problem you have. It would help you a lot.
Man, Lady Fair is a player!!
I think "No one to be trifled" with is so right! What imagination! Any one with that kind of imagination has to be incredibly smart and good looking. You should have titled these so called "Dorky Brothers" the "Tall, strapping, intelligent, and good looking trio who everybody is jealous of"
Your absolutely right anonymous! I think whoever messed around with those pictures must be incredibly good looking and intelligent!! I admire tall men that have such an aura of thunder and lightning quick wit about them!!
I must agree with the previous four comments!! Bravo!! Encore!! A prank like that shows a streak of genius that is very uncommon nowadays!! Come on people, lets continue to rant and monopolize the comment space with comments full of lightning quick wit and encouragement for those incredibly handsome and amazingly talented pranksters!!!
Oh please stop!! It's to much!! Your starting to embaress me!! Dont you people have someplace to go??!! Oh really thats to much!!! I am not worthy!! I am but a child!
Oh!! And he is ever so humble!!! Truly he is a great man!! We need people of such integrity and honor in a world like this!!!
No really. You guys really need to stop now!! My ego is going to be so big that I wont be able to fit through the door!! That prank was just trifle, anybody could of thought it up!! Now just please stop!!
Why is everyone talking about this what was his name??? Oh yes Aaron I dont think he deserves the credit I mean all he did was cut heads out of magazines. Franky J did all the brainstorming. Who found the heads??? Franky J! Who came up with idea??? Franky J! I think the smarts of the operation should get the credit.
Please dont argue over who gets the credit.(even though your right about who did the work) I think both of us should share the credit.
Anonymous, how would you know what happened?! You weren't even there!!, it couldn't be!!! Yes it must be!! So that explains all the grammatical errors!! Anonymous is Nathan(AKA Franky J)!! How else would you know what happened!! You should be ashamed of yourself young man!! Altering the story to bring yourself glory and fame!! Folks, this young man who they call "Nathan" is an example of everything that incredibly hansome and amazingly talented Aaron isn't. Aaron is humble and kind never boastful and proud like this Nathan is!!!
Well I think Aaron should take all the credit. Because he came up with it in the first place.
I think the boy is quite right!! Aaron probably was the brains of the operation!! Nathan, it's only natural to feel jealous of your incredibly handsome and amazingly talented big brother!!! If I were in yoyur position, I would be jealous of him to!! We forgive you for posing as someone else trying to take the glory for that amazingly witty prank that your brother thought up and performed.
You know, I think you, like your big sister Aubs should pray about this little jealousy problem. It will help.
A lot of people go under anonymous anonymous 3 or should I say Aaron!!!!
Yes for the last half hour I've been watching him sending comment after comment! no one to be trifled with is Aaron & so is anonymous 3 accusing other people of what he was doing the whole time.
That rotten boy!!!!!!
Yes how could he!!!!
And look at his spelling he spelled your as yoyur I bet he trys to use that later
Now how could those two possibly be Aaron??!! Every one knows that Aaron has such good spelling and grammar that he would never make a mistake(thank you for pointing that spelling error out Anonymous 2)!! Look at "No one to be trifled with"s last post!! He made a spelling error!! he put an extra "Y" in "your". Clearly Franky J, or should I say "Nathan", you are mistaking. It would only be natural for you to try and make Aaron look bad after you get caught!!!
Yeth, I taint Aaron!! I's has sutch bad grammars I couldnt passibly bi aAron!!!
Please people lets stop this useless arguing. Im tired of it.
A wolf in sheeps clothing!!! Thats what you are Franky J!! Yelling nasty comments at people under one name, then acting all humble and nice under another!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!
Aaron just made anonymous 4.
See I new he would try to put the blame on Franky J.
Yu a lier Spank J!! u just twi 2 make Aaron luk bad!! Stop!!
Im sorry Franky J. I take back what I just said.
People STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK!!!!!!!I confess!!! I am Nathan!!! I posted under those names(Anon, Anon 2 and Franky J, and I just Posted under Anon 4)!!!!! I LIED!!! AARON WAS THE BRAINS OF THE OPERATION!!! HE IS BRILLIANT AND INCREDIBLY GOOD LOOKING!!! I AM JUST JEALOUS!! I AM A LOUSY LYING, THEIVING,MURDEROUS,NO GOOD EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN!! AARON!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! I WILL NEVER BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU ARE!!! Ok. I am done now!! Please disregard any future comments I make on this subject. After I wake up from this truth serum that I just put myself on, I am probably going to try and come back and take back what I say, or continue to try to make My brother Aaron( who is in fact much better looking, creative and charming than I am) look bad. I am sorry for all the lies that I have told today. good bye. Signed, Nathan
Well people I dont know what to say. I finally cracked.
I was just typing in that last comment & just as I finished Aaron barged in,
picked me up off the chair, erased his
name & put in an I. So lets try this again. People I dont know what to say Aaron finally cracked. Thats all Im going to say.
The poor boy. He is suffering from depression. He wets the bed. He just wants to be Aaron. He is just tired of living in Aaron's shadow. Lately he has been posing as other people on every single blog he visits, trying to make Aaron look bad. Please forgive him for any trouble he has caused on this blog, as he is emotionally unstable.
Oh. my. word.
You guys have way too much time on your hands.
Hmmm, do you guys need a little more schoolwork to keep you busy? I think that could be arranged.
You've got to hand it to little brothers, they can think up the most creative ways to torment their poor sisters. Kara will probably never experience this, she has no younger brothers. I don't know if that's good or bad...
I must say I think Aaron is saying all that stuff about my father Franky J because ( I say this with many with me) he feels insecure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I concure with Franky J jr. I think Aaron is very insecure! Maybe thats why he writes good things about himself?
Hear hear! Very good point, Lurtz! I'am glad someone agrees with me. My father,Franky J, will be most happy to agree with me also! Won't you father?
Heck yes I do!!!!!
He's cracked. You should see him at home.
Or maybe we're just jealous of him? Ow, Nate, stop hitting me!!! I mean Aaron is definitly cracked!!! I ma tsuj gniyl esuaceb etaN si gnidnats dniheb em gnitiaw ot tih em fi I yas gnihtyna eh tnod ekil!!!
What was that, franky j jr? I will have you know that Aaron did not say a single nice thing about himself!!! He humbly asked me and a few other bloggers to stop flattering him with such honest comments!!! Insecure??!!! I think not!!! Franky J, you yourself addmitted that Aaron is so much better than you!!! So maybe you were on truth serum, but it still was the truth!!!
Oh, believe me, I'm sure Kara will get it too.
If the problem is lack of schoolwork, it can be very easily remedied...:oP
Wow, why don't you ever wear your hair like that around me? And, might I add, Dan has rather changed since the last time I saw him!
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