Vroom Vroom!!
▫ I've started volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy Center by my house. I just started and it's been great so far. I think it's a really good fit for me. I love working with little kids, old people, and girls around my age. :o) I'm just helping right now until I get the hang of things, but soon I'll be involved with counseling, pregnancy tests, and the different learning programs. I'm really excited. It's a really great ministry.
▫ I'm praying about going on the missions trip to the Philippines and Japan in August. I know if it's God's will for me to go, He'll line it up perfectly with nursing school(if it exists for me by then, that is). If not, there will be other summers.
▫ Pray for me March 10 because that's the day for my TEAS exam for nursing school at JJC. I have an advantage because I've taken it for Butler already so I know what it's like. I have to say that I've never been so excited to take a comprehensive exam before in my life. Yay for the TEAS exam!!!
▫ Last night Heather and I went to see The King and I at Drury Lane. It was great. I loved it.
▫ Tonight begins Liberty Day Weekend. I'm so excited! Stay tuned for Liberty Day pictures!
_________________________________Funny story:
I was at Circuit City before meeting 2 of my coworkers at TGI Fridays yesterday. I was just looking around at some of the DVDs. This guy who works there was following me around, asking me if I'm finding everything ok every time I move. He walked around my general vicinity, looking over the aisles, trying to look inconspicuous, but he was NOT. Then I really wondered if they had a musicals section because most places do.When I set out to hunt it down, he asked me again so I told him yes, I'm looking to see if there's a musicals section. He said no, they were spread out but he could help me find them. I told him I want Meet Me In St. Louis. He goes and looks it up and says sorry, but they didn't have it. Ok, that's fine. Thanks.
"You know...", he begins. I'm thinking he's about to offer to order it like most places would. But no, instead:
"Would it be a gift for someone or is it for you?"
"It's for myself"
"Ok...because...I actually have it at home, if you want me to make you a copy..."
What?!?! I just looked at him, completely shocked. A circuit city employee is offering to burn me an illegal copy of a DVD that they could order at their store?! What is wrong with this guy? I just told him no, that's ok.
But wait, it gets better. He started trying to make small talk and was asking me all these questions. Then he proceeds to tell me that he has a degree in massage therapy. That's nice. I was ready to check out and of course when I started walking to the counters, he says "I can take you over there!!!" Eeek. I started thinking maybe I should find someone else, but I followed him over to the counter. I bought my things and as I was leaving, do you know what he said?!
"You know...."
(oh no)
"...I have my business card on me if you're interested in a massage!"
First I snorted. I couldn't believe he just said that. Then I burst out laughing. I told him I didn't think so, took my bag, and walked out. I laughed the entire walk out the door, all the way to my car, and the entire drive to TGI Fridays. Then I laughed some more with Katie and Karen when I told them.
What a pervert!!! Yeah, I'm sure he would have just loved that. What kind of service rep offers their customers illegal copies of DVDs and massages! How gross. If I wasn't laughing so hard, I would have vomited all over his counter.

Randy is a little too enthusiatic about driving the ATV. Ahhhh!!!!

Biker Babes.

Look at my sweet ride!

This car was pretty amazing. If only they didn't haul me off when I tried to drive away in it... :oP

Look at how big this truck is! Dan looks inebriated by its grandness.

Rob and Dan go for a ride on the Dodge track.

Getting harnessed up to climb the wall.

Can you believe I almost missed the button?! I lost my balance and my grip when I reached for it and barely made it. How tragic.

What a beauty.

Audis are pretty cool.


Yay for ice cream!

Aaron and I hanging out re-living my adventures at 1 in the morning.

Look at my new 'do.
Great pictures! The show looks like so much fun! YOu would make a hot biker chick. ;o)
LOL at the Circuit City guy! Who does that?! hehe.
Hey Lady Fair, I've got my business card with me in case you want to reconsider that massage. I'll even throw in a free burned copy of all your favorite musicals!
That's just creepy. I'm glad no one ever did that to me. All I got was "Dan's sister has ojas bonitas" or something like that. And of course the classic catcall whistle. But you know, I haven't had any of that happening since I quit McDonald's. There was Raul (who offered to marry me at least three times. My only excuse at the time was that I was too young to marry him, and that my parents wouldn't allow it. (I was about 19 and he was about 45. I had to get out the calculator, but that's like 26 years difference!! If the gap is more than your own age, a good general rule is too avoid it all together. The mistake I made was agreeing to draw him a picture of Che Guevara, a man I now know to be some sort of militant activist in South America. Well, then he paid me a measly 20 bucks for it (it took about 10 evenings to draw) and I guess he was trying to make up for it and so he kept offering me marraige. Nope, sorry. And then there was Jose. He was a pothead I think. (He's the one who always resorted to the whistles.) I got the feeling that Rob the hamburger griller who had worked at McDonald's for 20 years hated him. But then I think he hated everyone. As long as Rob the griller was around, I never had to worry about Jose whistling at me or walking behind me and asking me if he could carry all those boxes of sauces for me.
Wow, that turned out to be a lot longer than I thought. I started telling one little story and suddenly remembered a whole lot more and just couldn't stop typing! Well, I'm going to go make my lunch for tomorrow. See you later.
what a very fun post!!!!
you two are quite a pair - and yes, the guy is creepy - and he deserves to be reported (anonymously if you were prefer) to the management because it's not only creepy, which is nonprofessional - but ILLEGAL - and you know how I feel about that!
what's going on this weekend? O is coming home I think - but i don't know friday night of sat day - I'm having a yearning for a giggly girls night at my house - what do you think?
Yes, the guy was creepy, but I had to find the humor in it. How lame.
My dad did call the management to ask them to remind their employees how to relate to their customers-be professional and not try to pick up the women. Or offer to become a criminal. Or give massages.
I would love a giggly girls night, but I'm working all day Friday and will be at the Farm on Saturday until 5. We'll have to figure out a good day and time.
I saw you and your brother with the goatee behind me while driving to work this week. I was scared.
When was that?
Okay, apparently, it wasn’t you at all. There are two exact replicas who are really aliens from another planet who are on a quest to extract a sample of my brains with a turkey baster because nobody on their home planet likes peanut butter and I like peanut butter so much that I don’t even mind that you gals were eating all that ice cream in the picture and didn’t even bother to ask if I wanted any… really, it’s okay, ‘cause it wasn’t peanut butter. Anyhoo, next time, if there is a next time, I will try to make a note of the date and time, as well as the vehicle’s make and model. Beware the extraterrestrials with kitchen utensils!
SOMEBODY is too busy studying for the TEAS test and they aren't updating their blog! I wonder who it could be. . . Let's think about that now. Coming soon on my blog, a picture of me in my new 1770s dress!
The test is over, please update this thing - I've already suffocated over Lizzy's - not I'm just dead and buried over waiting for this one.
*gasp* Can't breathe! *gulp!* Look who's talking about suffocating! I think the first sentence of you blog says something about "Look soon for Liberty Day photos" Yeah. Right.
P.S.-We should hang out at Culver's more often :)
slurp slurp.
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