Ladies and Gents...
...Welcome to the "Aaron Funny Show" and here is your host, Aaron Ray Criss!!
Yes, there really was an "Aaron Funny Show", believe it or not. And these beautiful pictures are of Aaron while hosting it. Yes, those truly are his lovely Scooby Doo underpants. Thanks to Aunt Rhonda Jo Bradley for sending these.
And Aaron, you can threaten me with all sorts of blackmail, but I have permission. :oP

Yes, there really was an "Aaron Funny Show", believe it or not. And these beautiful pictures are of Aaron while hosting it. Yes, those truly are his lovely Scooby Doo underpants. Thanks to Aunt Rhonda Jo Bradley for sending these.
And Aaron, you can threaten me with all sorts of blackmail, but I have permission. :oP

You are quite possibly the meanest sister known among mankind! I will never show this blog to my daughter lest she get cruel ideas like this! Way to go. What fun.
Actually, I'm the greatest sister in the entire world. Aaron himself will tell you. :oP
And actually, I got home from work yesterday and Aaron's like, "Did you post the pictures yet? Let me see!"
But then again, he hadn't seen them at all and therefore had no idea what they looked like. He told me he thought they were cute pictures, not dorky ones. But oh, well. Aaron loves to laugh at(and show) dorky pictures of me, so he can't complain. ;o)
I so did not give you permission to put that picture on your blog or tell you that I thought it was cute! I told you that they were the worst pictures ever! Im going to make my own blog devoted to all of Aubrie's most humiliating and embarrasing secrets(I know a lot of them)! It's going to be filled to the brim with humiliating black-mail pictures and stories that will reveal Aubrie's dorky side for all the world to see. I'll let you guys know when I'm done with it. And then when I'm done with it and everybody has seen it and has told me how mean I am, I'll just stick my nose in the air and say "Actually, I'm the greatest brother in the world. Aubrie herself will tell you. :oP
In oh so sweet revenge,
Hummmmh - the girls against the boys - this could be fun!
What?! Why on earth would you want to do THAT? I said you *thought* they were cute pictures when you heard she sent me some really old ones of you dressed up, but you see that they aren't.
And I do have permission. Mom *told* me to do it and waited until I was finished to look at it. And believe me. That is definately *not* your most embarassing and most humiliating pictures, my dear. Not the worst pictures ever. And I even took the dorkier of the two off.
So be nice. If you excommunicate me, who will listen to all of your woes? :oP
Awww. Anon is sweeter than icecream. ;o)
I have to agree. Things could be way worse, my dear.
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